CURCUCONT - (sugar beet weevil. 2019-2022) Potential of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum for the biological control of the sugar beet weevil Bothynoderes punctiventris.
Hermann Strasser

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT; DAFNE 101445).

University Innsbruck and AGRANA Research & Innovation Center GmbH. will investigate the ecology and population dynamic of Bothynoderes punctiventris (sugar beet weevil) and the persistence of the active ingredient Metarhizium brunneum in selected sugar beet fields. The massive population of Bothynoderes is to be sustainably reduced with GranMetTM granular. In addition, field and pot trials are carried out to assess the persistence of the fungal production strain on the leaf surface of sugar beets. A durable, dispersion formulation based on Metarhizium conidia is being investigated for market use.

Runtime: 2019-2022uibk logo

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More details on DaFNE: DaFNE No 101445agrana logo

Working group: WG Strasser



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